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Advanced Value Creation (AVC)

Contemplating advanced value creation

Advanced Value Creation is a strategic process of doubling or tripling the value of the business over a three to five year period. It is undertaken after passing through Gate 2 of our methodology and completing Exit Planning. In Gate 3, the owner makes the decision and corresponding commitment to stay and grow the business or undertake the process to exit the business. If the owner decides to stay and grow the business the Advanced Value Creation process begins.

Ideally, this process will begin with definition of a strategic plan. We use a four step process to develop your strategic plan and integrate and focus your business team:

  1. Business Quantification
  2. Strategic Roadmap
  3. Integrated Functional Plans
  4. Sales Channel Details

Once the AVC plan is developed the ongoing level of our involvement remains the same as in Value Creation acting in the role of Value Coach or Value Consultant. In addition, because the complexity and investment of AVC we are often added to our client’s advisory board during this process. In some cases, we will take on part-time CFO or COO roles during the implementation.

Each of these situations is unique and treated accordingly. The decision to grow is multi-year commitment for the owner and usually requires a significant amount of money and time. However, there are tremendous benefits. Our clients have experienced doubling or even tripling of their business value. Despite the tremendous benefits growing a business it is not for the faint of heart. The owners passion, health, family, succession plan, personal situation, and business model all need to be seriously evaluated before taking on this commitment which is why we insist the owner complete the EPRA, Business Valuation and Value Creation processes before launching this program.


"Some of our clients have doubled or even tripled value as a result of implementing value enhancements prior to offering the business for sale."

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